Mga Post

English as a Second Language

               Learning a foreign language is difficult and hard to understand. English as a part of our lives provides individuals a border less  world. It doesn't have to be perfect, as long as it is understandable. A little practice and motivation can improve our imperfections when it comes to English. As Marcus Fabius Quintilian said "One should not aim at being possible to understand but at being impossible to misunderstand."                Gaerlan (2009) found that successful learners are highly interested and motivated to use English because they believe this would ensure them of success in the future. English is our second language and it is a must to develop our professional profile. As we learn English we get as much advantages. English enables us to find a job and it is our way to communicate to foreigners, as they will understand it.     ...

Millennials on ICT

  In todays blog, we will learn about the definition of ICT and who are the millennials on ICT. The meaning of the words here are acquired form different sources.  What is ICT?  Information and Communication Technologies  (ICTs) is a broader term for  Information Technology   (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers,  software ,  middleware , video-conferencing,  social networking , and other media applications and services enabling users to access, retrieve, store, transmit, and manipulate information in a digital form. Millennials  on ICT  Millennials are often called “digital natives” because they grew up during the era of rapid development and widespread adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) in various aspects of everyday life. On average, millennials hold more positive attitudes toward the adoption of new technologies, and even i...

Millennials on ICT

  I NTRODUCTION:     In today's blog we will learn about the meaning of ICT and who are the millennials on ICT. The definition of the words here comes from different sources which indicates in the bottom of this page.  What is ICT?  Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information through  telecommunications . It is similar to  Information Technology  (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the  Internet , wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums. Millennial  on ICT Millennials are often called “digital natives” because they grew up during the era of rapid development and widespread adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) in various aspects of everyday life. On average, millennials hold more positive attitudes toward the adoption of new technologies, and even in the transportation...

Lab 3&4

this video is all about the ICT use in the Department of Development Communication. violet group promotional video This video is all about the seven emotions of Development Communication Students in School. Seven Emotions of BSU Devcomm Students Violet

FN-Blog-1 (information ecosystem)

      I.          I. What is Information Ecosystem? Information ecosystem is used to describe how local communities exist and evolve within particular information and communication systems. Within these systems, different types of news and information may be received from outside then passed on to others through word of mouth, key community members, phone, the Internet, and the like. An examination of an information ecosystem looks at the flow, trust, use and impact of news and information. An information ecosystem is not a static entity; it is by nature constantly evolving and changing. Nor is it a separate form; it can be defined at many levels, from global to national to community to interest-based groupings within communities. Information ecosystems can also be refer to a loose, dynamic configuration of different sources, flows, producers, consumers, and sharers of information interacting within...

FN-Blog-02 (cultural convergence)

CULTURAL CONVERGENCE       I.         Defining Cultural Convergence Cultural convergence is the theory that two cultures will be more and more like each other as their interactions increase. Basically, the more that cultures interact, the more that their values, ideologies, behaviors, arts, and customs will start to reflect each other. This trend is especially pronounced between cultures that are heavily engaged with each other through communication and transportation technologies, as well as organizational associations. Cultural convergence very often follows lines of communication, and the ability to communicate with people of other cultures is what really makes convergence possible. That means that we can often see the impacts of cultural convergence through the spread of language. Throughout the 20th century, and continuing into today, this has largely been seen through the spread of English. It's impor...

Lab 4 (Internet Metaphor)

"Internet as a Digestive System" Internet is a digestive system, it has many parts and different functions to each of us who consumes information we need. Foods that we eat is the random and some unprocessed data we get from the internet, the information goes to the "mouth" as we accepts all the information. The information begins to travel from the mouth to esophagus. "Esophagus" is a tube connecting the pharynx, this part carries and deliver the masses information to the "stomach" as the storage of information and the same time to digest the large data to small data, and it breaks down into general into specific data in order to identify what information you need. Stomach becomes the information processor of the data. The processed data are now ready to enter to small intestine in order to absorb the nutrients or the needed information. The absorbed information will enter to the bloodstreams to deliver and distribute the information to...